AYM Exploration Classes Finding Comfort And A Spark Of Magic
AYM Exploration Classes Finding Comfort And A Spark Of Magic
AYM Exploration Classes Finding Comfort And A Spark Of Magic

AYM Exploration Classes

Inaugurate The Power Of Your Feminine Energy Reserves

In AYM Exploration classes, we'll find both magic and comfort in new recipes for connecting your Mind and Body to your Soul and 12 Chakra System (yes, there are 12!)

---------------------- All classes are on ZOOM. ----------------------
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All classes are on ZOOM.
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Let's break it down into steps:

  • Step 1. Together we'll blend ancient with cutting-edge information, and season generously with the feminine energy flow that has been tucked away at the back of the closet.
  • Step 2. With trust in the simplicity of moving to music in the moment, you'll feel the tension and judgment of the "Age of Pisces" sizzle away as we clear 12 "Age of Aquarius" Chakras until they glisten with healing.
  • Step 3. We'll simmer together the ingredients of Chakra Dancing, Meridian Tapping and Meditation in Stillness until your masculine and feminine energy flows are pacified and integrated as one.

Register for a FREE Introduction class today, and get yourself really acquainted with AYM.

Register for a FREE Introduction class today, and get yourself really acquainted with AYM.

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Age of Aquarius
Chakra Dancing
Energy Healing
Masculine and Feminine
Meditation in Movement
Meditation in Stillness
Meridian Tapping
Mind Body and Soul

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