AYM Breaks
Simple Movement & Inspiration To Create Your Very Own Aha Moments
In your AYM Break classes, we'll shake off the woody bits that set in with stress patterns and monotony...
---------------------- All classes are on ZOOM. ----------------------
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All classes are on ZOOM.
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Let's break it down into steps:
- Step 1. Saute sighs of relief and deep breaths of rejuvenation into Time for Yourself. Add simple movements and exercises to music that moves the moments until stress has cleared from your 12 chakras.
- Step 2. Drain the tension from your energy rivers with tapping or stretching. Stir in plain old fun and simmer until you feel self-aware, centered and inspired.
- Step 3. Check how your previously full plate feels quickly and elegantly sauced with healing, focus and clarity. A quick meal perfect for efficient stress relief and team building!
Register for a FREE Introduction class today, and get yourself really acquainted with AYM.
Register for a FREE Introduction class today, and get yourself really acquainted with AYM.
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