The Energy Of Today For July 26

Timezone: America / Los Angeles
The energy of today is about seeking out and listening to that little voice inside you that is crying out for you to reconnect with your self, your dreams, your ideas. Try and communicate them in words, pictures, deeds, actions and furthermore I would like to suggest, as holistically as possible.
It's all about finding that calming place deep inside you where that little voice lives, going there and freeing yourself from pressured commitments that you've been forced into by the powers that friends, family, relationships, loved ones, etc.
AYM Is Many Things...
  • It's meditation in movement
  • It's about the enjoyment of connecting to you mind, body and soul
  • It's finding your joy
  • It's made for all ages
  • It's made to be done at home together
  • It's noncompetitive, nonjudgmental and a lot less scary than a classroom full of scary strangers you don't know
  • Give new meaning to zoom as you feel the shift
AYM It's Simply... your chakra connection.

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