AYM Freestyle

AYM Chakracise

Creating a structured Chakra Connection

Chakracise is a distinctive combination of movement, energy clearing and meditation.

It was developed to boost physical strength, balance, curve-forming and fitness, while enhancing self-awareness, clarity, focus, emotional stability and peace of mind.

It's more structured than its sister class

*AYM Freestyle

AYM Freestyle
AYM Freestyle

AYM Chakracise is a distinctive combination of movement, energy clearing and meditation.

It was developed to boost physical strength, balance, curve-forming and fitness, while enhancing self-awareness, clarity, focus, emotional stability and peace of mind.

It's more structured than its sister class

*AYM Freestyle


With movements designed to power up Mind, Body and Soul, AYM Chakracise has been called "spiritual aerobics, meditative dance, mindful Zumba..." - But Rita, its developer just called it "fun".

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Design by: Paul E. Harrison
Visited 8588 Times


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